Saturday, March 5, 2011

My January 2011 Earnings

My Thirty-One business in January really started to turn into more than just a few dollars. First, I had four catalog parties. None of them were huge -- each about $200. But, that was enough to earn a ton of free stuff from Thirty-One. I should explain that Thirty-One offers promotions to their consultants all of the time. Some of the promotions interest me and some do not. The January consultant promotion did not even cross my mind until I had already submitted two catalog parties (each $200 in sales) and they sent me a giant box of free stuff via UPS. It was over $120 worth of new Spring/Summer products. Awesome! Then the next week, I received another UPS package filled with all of the new Spring/Summer 2011 catalogs. Cha-Ching! Then the next week, I had another package from UPS containing a black table cover (really nice) with a white screen print of the Thirty-One logo. Love it! Plus, they added $25 into my business account so that I can order door prizes for my customers, more Thirty-One products for me, etc. I think it is safe to say that the $25 business credit was spent within hours. I bought the Spring/Summer $80 Add On Kit (containing over $250 worth of new products) for just $55! Yeah, more new stuff for me!

Here are my January stats:
$835.21 in sales
$208.81 in commission
$50 earned in incentives (black Thirty-One display tablecloth & $25 business credit)
$25 earned in new Spring/Summer selling season catalogs
$120 earned in new Spring/Summer products (all that I did was submit two catalog parties between January 1-15)
$200 earned in new Spring/Summer Add On Kit--$280 value (I was able to purchase this for $80--totally worth every penny)

PROFIT FOR JANUARY 2011: $603.81

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My December 2010 Earnings

I think it is worth sharing how much money I am really making on my Thirty-One personalized gifts business. As you know, I did not get started to make a lot of money. Instead, I was planning on just taking advantage of the consultant discount to satisfy my own habit and obsession with tote bags, purses, and anything personalized for my kiddos. Well, December 2010 was really my first full month of being a Thirty-One consultant. This involved me spending about $115 after shipping and taxes to get a wonderful hot pink box delivered to my door via UPS filled with over $300 in Thirty-One products and business supplies. It was literally like Christmas when I opened that box. It had everything I needed to get started as a Thirty-One consultant!

But, here are my December 2010 Thirty-One money making stats:
Sales: $752.00
Commission: $188.00
Expenses: $115 (after shipping and tax) for the new consultant kit
Earned Products: $300 from new consultant kit
PROFIT: $373

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So much more than a Thirty-One discount...

So I started my Thirty-One business in November 2010 so that I could buy some Christmas presents for my family and friends at a discount. Seriously. The first time I looked at the catalog, I had picked out over $500 worth of items that I wanted. The reality was my Christmas budget did not have room for $500 in Thirty-One tote bags and purses. That is when I decided to become a consultant and purchase everything that I "wanted" and everything that I "needed" for Christmas gifts. I only ended up spending less than $200. What a relief!

Anyway, in January I shared on my Facebook page details on the thermal tote sale with a link to my website. A few of my friends commented. Not much activity. Then I uploaded all of my contacts into the Thirty-One newsletter program. I was delighted at the results. Many old friends contacted me and asked for a copy of the recent catalog...I booked a few catalog parties.

Never once did I think that I was going to "get rich" on my Thirty-One business. Instead, I thought it would be a great way to earn extra money to spend at the zoo with my kids, buy them a new pair of shoes or coat, and maybe treat my husband to a date. Nothing more than maybe $50 or $100 a month. Max.

Things have since changed. It is now March. I have sold over $3000 in Thirty-One products and I couldn't be more thrilled about my success. So check it out for yourself on my website and you too could be making money selling Thirty-One personalized gifts!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thirty-One January 2011 Thermal Tote Sale

Thirty-One is gearing up for one of the best customer specials of all time....the THERMAL TOTE SALE!

Thermal Totes are just $10 (regularly $14)
Small Lunch Totes are just $8 (regularly $12.50)

Thermal totes will be just $10 and personalization will be just $1.50. The thermal tote is perfect for packing your lunch and taking it to work. I have the thermal tote and can pack a microwave frozen meal, bottle of water, yogurt, and utensils in the front pocket easily. With the thermal lining inside, the thermal tote can keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot. In addition it comes in a variety of designs and can be personalized in January-- saving a total of $7.50!

The Small Lunch Tote will be just $8 with personalization for $1.50. The small lunch tote is a smaller version of the thermal tote and is perfect for carrying a light lunch such as a sandwich, chips, and a bottle of water. I have friends with babies and love it because they can pack three bottles in the small lunch tote and keep them cold for up to 6 hours.

Want to order your thermal totes at this incredible price? There is no limit so order as many as you want! Order on my website: and I will receive credit for your purchase!

Become a Thirty-One Consultant for $99!

Just a small $99 investment gives you all the tools you need to begin down the road to success with Thirty-One. You’ll receive an Enrollment Kit (shown in the picture) worth more than $250 that’s packed full of fabulous products and supplies that make it a cinch to start.

Ready to get started with Thirty-One? Just visit my website at and click on "Join My Team" in the upper right hand corner of the page. It's just that easy!

Perks of being aThirty-One Independent Sales Consultant

You Earn Money!
Earn 25% in commission from party sales.

• You can earn $1,000 bonus checks, and other financial rewards, just for sharing the great products of Thirty-One and helping others start their own Thirty-One business.

• Our startswell program gives you the opportunity to earn FREE products and catalogs, along with your own free website, for the first three months as a Consultant – just to help you hit the ground running!

• Earn the opportunity to purchase the New Consultant Qualification Kit for only $99 when you sell $1,000 in your first 60 days. It contains fabulous personal style
accessories to take your business to the next level. Over $300 in products and
business materials!

• As you grow your business, you can earn awesome rewards. Keep following this blog for monthly incentives and more!